Introduction to Radon
DatesJune 6 2013
CityMississauga , Ontario, Canada
LocationMississauga Head Office
Contact NameLiza Hernandez
Local Phone905-363-0678
Tollfree Phone855-746-2446
Emailcourses@pinchin.comWebsite BodyThis Complimentary Session provides attendees with radon knowledge as it applies to both their residence and workplace setting. It is designed to provide a sound introduction to radon for those with limited experience with the topic.
Did you know radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind cigarette smoking?
Attend the session and learn what radon means for you.
Items discussed during the Session:
What is radon?
Health effects of radon exposure
Health Canada guideline
How and why to test for radon (short vs. long term testing)
What if my residence/workplace has high radon levels?
ScheduleJun 06, 2013 8:30am to 10:30am
FeesNo charge
OrganizerLiza Hernandez
AddressOntario Canada
Emailcourses@pinchin.comMore events by this organizer