Nashville TN Energy Audit - Weatherization
We take a different approach to Energy Audits. We locate and fix the problem, not just give your building a "rating".
We do not do Government Weatherization Contracts.
We specialize in - Building Science - HVAC Systems Design - Infrared Thermal Imaging and Residential - Commercial Building Inspection.
We fix buildings that are sick and have problems.
Water Leaks - Uncomfortable HVAC System Design - High Utility Costs - Building Damage from Unknown Causes - Source of Mold Growth - Air Quality Control
Going Green
Conventional Approaches to
"Going Green"
Change your windows and doors:
It always seems that window and door replacement is the first on the list. Air leakage and improved "R-factors" improve with window replacement, but in reality window frame-to-wall leaks are the greatest losses we find during our building evaluations.

More Efficient Appliances:
This is a good consideration when you must change out an appliance, but to throw out an operational appliance just to
"Go Green" is not a cost-effective approach.
Is it as Green as we think?

Click to View
Add More Insulation:
Insulation compresses with age and may not have been adequately installed in the first place.
Insulation resists heat transfer as well as air leakage if installed properly.

We find new construction installation practices are not properly conducted in many cases, so adding more insulation often is not properly installed during retrofit work as well.

What really works?
What we look for is the most "Bang-for-the-Buck"!
What can we do to provide energy savings at a cost that is in line with the necessary repairs?
Energy conservation:
If you don't use it, there is no energy to save!
New products and appliances will use less energy (5%), but building repairs save a more significant amount of energy (40-60%).
Energy tune up:
Is your HVAC system clean and working to capacity?
Is your equipment providing the most energy for your dollar?
Stop throwing energy away!
Air that leaks out of the house must be made up by replacing the same volume of air from unconditioned sources outdoors. Clarksville - Nashville Tennessee homes tested have found to leak at as much as 12.6 complete air changes per hour in some homes!

The Leaking Monster in Your House!
The amount of air that leaks past your windows and doors varies with outdoor air temperature, wind speed and direction.
There is a Monster in your house that doesn't care about the temperature or wind! It increases your energy bills as much as 50-60% in some cases.
It's your HVAC/air duct system!

It operates under both high and low atmospheric pressures equivalent to a constant 20 mph wind during operation!
It not only sucks in bad air and blows out the good, it changes pressures in your house which in turn increases your total energy loss.

What do we do about it?
News Flash! - Aeroseal of Nashville
The long awaited air duct sealing process that seals your HVAC air duct leakage by 95% from the inside-out is here!

You can now save that 30-40% air leakage (including new air ducts) that not only cost you money, but reduce indoor contaminates (Mold, Radon Gas, Allergins) and produce a clean and comfortable environment for you and your family.
More Info @
Aeroseal of Nashville
Energy Tune Up:
We ensure your building is operating as it was designed and intended to be used and that all energy devices are operating safely and at the maximum capacity of their design.
Performance Audit:
This should not be confused with the energy audit.
Use of Building Science principles determine how well your building utilizes and conserves energy, not just how much it consumes.
There is little reason to increase the efficiency rating of your building appliances if the building itself will not take advantage of this energy efficiency.
Blower Door Testing:
This procedure determines total air leakage rates of the building envelope.
Duct Blaster Testing:
This determines the total air leakage of the HVAC air duct system and equipment.
Conducting a blower door test in conjunction with the duct blaster test further shows us how much air duct leakage is occurring to the outdoors versus the interior building components.
Infrared Thermal Imaging:
Determines where air leakage is occurring so it can be repaired with weatherization solutions.
Sealing Air Leakage and Weatherization:
After receiving a "conventional" energy audit, your building receives an energy rating and recommendations for weatherization repairs, equipment upgrades and other energy-efficient solutions.
But who is going to do this work and sell you new equipment?
Is the Company providing a "free energy audit"?
Free, often means they have something to sell.
Beware of scams and gadgets that claim to make your building green!
We often get questions about Infrared Heater Manufacturers that claim they can heat your home for $1 a day! Does this seem far-fetched to you?
See: What Makes an IR Heater Work
It's Not All Just about Air Leakage
Though air leakage has the greatest energy loss potential, improving the "R-value" of your building envelope is an important consideration, as is solar radiation gain.
Infrared Thermal Imaging which we use to identify and locate leaks can also be used to see and document where building insulation is missing or ineffective.

Improperly installed insulation after re-model.
We can also calculate the apparent "R-value" of sections of the building envelope to determine if the energy loss is significant enough to warrant an insulation upgrade.
Our Goal
To identify and locate "significant" building deficiencies that can be repaired and provide significant energy savings at an affordable price.
To make minor repairs to your home without having to find a contractor who is interested in small repair projects.
To assist you in working with large contractors on large efficiency upgrades if needed. Monitoring repairs and performing % reduction evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the repairs performed.
We have no equipment or gimmicks to sell.
Our goal is to repair and improve your building performance to the standard it should have been constructed.
If we can lower the heating/cooling loads on your building, even old inefficient appliances will be able to keep up and still save you money without having to replace them before the end of their time. We attempt to achieve increased energy efficiency through cost-effective repairs to your home and produce greater comfort and lower operating costs.
Call today: (615) 406-6808
or drop an e-mail to
Let us discuss a solution to your energy and comfort issues.
Stop throwing your hard earned cash