
Too hot in Boulder today, so I climbed 13,000 feet with some help from...

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 23:33 KTM. Had to jet it for altitude. I brought a jacket.
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Valleys cut wrong; report verbiage

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 16:49
Was wondering if anyone has some report verbiage they could share for when the shingles in a cut valley are cut wrong in refenence to the larger or smaller planes of the roof and also if you recommend correction. Thanks.
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First for me

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 15:50
On Friday I just started going over the agreement at the inspection, and the Realtor says, "shes falling!" I look over and grab my client (buyer) just before she hits the floor. She fainted and was out for about 30 seconds.
Apparently I am doing something wrong and have to change my delivery...

Can/ or should detached garages be included in lineal footage calculations for roof

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 14:22
Can/ or should detached garages be included in lineal footage calculations for roof types. If so I would like an idea where this approached is justified-listed on an approved course etc. I am doing battle with an underwriter.

Members Who Plan to Pledge to Protect the Privacy of the Home Buyer

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 13:31
There is an affidavit being prepared and a logo to avail to home inspectors, vendors and other industry professionals who are willing to publicly pledge that they will not solicit or exchange their clients' personal information to anyone for any form of compensation, direct or indirect - and that they will not add any language to their inspection agreements that could waive or otherwise interfere with the rights of their clients under a "no call" list.

Participation is strictly voluntary and is not limited to or restricted of any particular association.

If you plan to participate and would like to promote that fact to the public, please feel free to indicate it here, if you wish.

[P.S. I doubt that the inspectors who oppose this would actually be wanting to do that, publicly, but I provided the opportunity for a "No" vote just in case they did ... and to be fair.]

Special thanks to Nick and Staff!

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 13:31
In the mail, I received my 5 Year Pin! This means a ton to me, and thanks to Nick and the Staff! (I"m sure the staff does all the work anyway)
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Nick Gromicko Your Opinion Is Wanted

NACHI - Sun, 07/07/2013 - 12:26
OK, first let preempt by saying this is absolutely not an attack on anyone or any business. This is simply a request for the opinion of Mr. Nick Gromicko the founder of InterNACHI which is the largest Home Inspector association in the world.

Nick what is your opinion on a Certified, Professional Home Inspector selling for money, gifts, other products or any other type of compensation, their clients Private/personal information to a third party who may use that information for their own purposes?

Thew question is NOT directed towards any specific products, the question is simply about the selling of clients persona;/private data to any third party.

Nick I know you made some opinions clear a few months back when you yourself started the thread about HON. I am assuming you still think this is an important subject to address.

Please don't spin anything anyone, I really want a straight answer/opinion from Nick as many of us here value his opinions.


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